Be a better Money Manager
Money Management starts at home. If you are able to manage well at your personal finances, you can manage well in real estate.

Select the goose which lays the golden egg
Golden Egg is the cash flow. i.e the cash remaining after paying off all your expenses.

Get Passive Income into your retirement account
Book shows how you can setup systems with which you can get passive income into your retirement accounts using real estate.
Reasons to Buy
This book contains a step by step guide to making passive income, through real estate. Embedded in this book are the ways to become a prudent manager of money, how to understand the flow of your income to enhance savings, it explains the best way to save and the best place to save. Several experiences have been shared, which helps to know the proper path to thread in making passive income. read more...
What they Say?
With over a decade of experience in real estate investing, owning several single and multi-family properties, Ven possesses the practical skills acquired only through hands-on money management. It is because of these skills and accomplishments that I highly recommend this book to anybody who is seriously intent on creating wealth in their life."
- Tomas McFie DC, PhD, author of Prescription for Wealth, Winning Your Financial GAME and co-author of Retirement Curveball
About the Author
Venkat Ramineedi received his MS and MBA from the University of Oklahoma. He works full-time in the corporate world. He started his real estate career part-time and expanded his business to several single and multi-family properties in and around the Oklahoma City area.
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